Major things students can do or need to motivate themselves in school days

  1. Students can have a collection of positive habits, thoughts and mindsets that makes that person so successful.

2. Share your talents with friends to improve your skills.

3. Every student needs self-knowledge :

Who am I? What is required of me ?How do I relate the world around me? where have I been and where am I going? These are the questions every student can raise in school days.

4. Every student is having inspiring models to choose the path to get  the success.

Because inspiring people offer ideas, provide a pathway, give students something to sharp their thinking.

5. They need to know how to learn

Marks doesn’t do nothing if you have a concept in your hands. Student need to    know the learning strategies and know these strategies as well or better than the  content. Then they understand and can grow into. Both the ability and tendency is needed to think critically.

6. Every students know their own feedback

Feedback acts as a guidance. It makes corrections and can even be comforting sometimes.

7. Every student needs creative spaces.

This creative thinking in a group or alone ,in robotics ,in academics or  maker learning ,self directed is most reliable in everywhere. Creativity is an honoring of a basic human need for self-direction.

8. Student can have the chance to share their own interests.

Students are infinitely more cleverer than design of most schools and they are with widely varying backgrounds of knowledge and schema.

9. Every student needs to behave and practice to become a champion.

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