Technology is transforming in today’s world at an alarming rate. As we see around us, we can observe that the technology around us has been changing into new forms and growing to new heights. In olden days, people used to work hard to complete their basic needs and other works but nowadays people are depended on machines and robots which work on instructions and they can complete the work of 100 people at faster rate and more precise. We are also able to connect ourselves to internet, which is the main source of information of many types in the present day. We can also connect to other people from all over the world via many platforms like Facebook, twitter, and many more. These changes have made our daily life smoother and easier.  Interesting fact of technology is, it does not stop transforming even though there is already a better version of yesterday, it keeps on changing for a greater tomorrow. As the technology keeps on changing, we from Edodwaja PVT LTD, mainly focuses on educating young aspirants who want to reach great heights in their lives. Edodwaja is a stepping stone to success for those wonderful and talented youngsters, through which they can reach their goal and achieve success.





Edodwaja is a private limited company started by few under graduated students who aspire to bring the hidden talent in the students and educate the students who may not afford or get a chance to know new things and changes in the upcoming technologies. It is a platform of communication between students and Edodwaja, where the students can clarify their doubts, become practical enough to continue their growth in this gigantic and evolving world of technology.

Edodwaja shows us that education is not just few words which are written in books, it is about practical knowledge and exploring it from up close and with experiences. Edodwaja spreads its wings and knowledge to everyone so that everyone can grow with today’s technology and realize their dreams.

You may be wondering how the name “Edodwaja” has evolved. Well, let me clarify your doubt as to why this private limited company has named itself as Edodwaja.

EDO resembles education. DWAJA is a Sanskrit word from “Kapi Dwaja” taken from the holy book “Bhagavad Gita”. During the Kurukshetra War, Lord Krishna explained about the knowledge of life to Arjuna in the chariot named “Kapi Dwaja”. So, Dwaja resembles providing knowledge in a practical way to the students. Not only knowledge but also guiding the students to achieve their goals by making them familiar with the emerging technologies. The logo contains an infinite symbol that indicates the idea generation of the student and it resembles three numbers like 3, 6 and 9.


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We from EDODWAJA PVT LTD will help the students by giving them an opportunity to choose their future careers in their interested passion. We provide them with hands-on practical experience and motivate them to achieve great heights of success. We help the students to become independent and self-employable in their 20’s. We will help to increase the number of entrepreneurs in our country and contribute our efforts to make India reach a top position.


At present day, Edodwaja PVT LTD goes to schools which are located in rural and urban areas. Because we believe that talents are across the world, we just need to give them an opportunity to express their ideas and show them a right direction where they can prove themselves. We explain the upcoming technologies to the students, so they can understand and decide their interests in their respected and dream technologies. We from EDODWAJA PVT LTD help the students by providing practical hands-on experience in the main emerging courses which are Robotics, Entrepreneurship, Web Technology, Internet of Things, and Finance.

Coming to the future plans of our EDODWAJA PVT LTD, we will introduce “Technology on Wheels” a mobile techy laboratory (a laboratory bus) which we plan on taking it to the schools and guide the students to prepare a hands-on experience on the technological courses we provide. We will also provide many hackathons, science expos and science fairs for the students, so they can show their talent to the world. This will be innovative idea and is completely new to students, who will feel excited and interested in learning new courses in a practical manner.

EDODWAJA PVT LTD will always help our students to achieve their goals and dreams in their interested subject. We provide them 100% support in their journey of success.

                                        “Education is not the Learning of Facts but the Training of Mind to Think”

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